Petersen Products Product Selection Guide
Rubber or Fabric, blocking or bypass,... we provide inflatable plugs for most pressure, temperature, chemical and sizes.
Low pressure or high pressure, we have mechanical plugs to meet your size, temperature and chemical requirements.
PeteStop Inflatable Line Stops
Hot Tap pipelines without depressurizing the entire system with PeteStop inflatable line stops.
Clear drains and sewers quickly with Dr. FixIt®, DrainJet® and Hydraulic Sewer Flushers.
T&P plugs make Temperature and Pressure readings - quickly and eliminate the need for leaving costly gauges or temperature indicators on the line.
Hoses, Regulators, Connectors, Adapters, Fittings and more. Everything you need to inflate your pipe plugs.
Lifting Bags, High Pressure, Hazmat, Pipe Handlers, and Custom Configurations - standard and customized solutions for lifting of heavy loads.
Petersen has engineers for design and a wide variety of manufacturing capabilities to produce custom and standard products and components from a wide variety of materials.